Reference Number: RO/MM/66 - ROCE-0374
Alternate/former Hungarian name: Tomăny. 4736 2322, 254.9 miles NNW of Bucharest at in Jud. Maramureş. Coming from Baia Mare, the turn-off to the village of Tămaia that takes off sharply to the left while the main road makes a sharp right turn. There is currently no sign for the village on the Baia Mare side. The caretaker's house is the first on the right, approximately 30m from the turn-off. The cemetery is located approximately 350m behind the caretaker's house.
- LOCAL: Comunitatea Evreilor (Baia Mare), Str. Someşului Nr. 5, 4800 Baia Mare, Jud. Maramureş, Romania. Tel: (40-62) 211-231. Further inquiries about the site could be addressed to the Jewish community in Baia Mare or the Federation of Romanian Jewish Communities in Bucuresti.
- REGIONAL: Federation of Jewish Communities of Romania, Str. Sf. Vineri 9-11, Bucureşti, Tel: (40-1) 613-2538, 143-008. Contact: Mr. Alex Silvan
- CARETAKER: Mr. Gheorghe Ardelean, Sat. Tămaia n0. 1, Com Farcaşa 4817, Jud. Maramureş, Romania
Five gravestones are in cemetery, regardless of condition or position: 4 leaning, 1 broken. 42. The vegetation overgrowth and water drainage in the cemetery are not problems. The Hebrew-inscribed granite, limestone, and sandstone tombstones are flat-shaped and smoothed and inscribed. No known mass graves. The property is now used for an orchard and crops in area with no graves. Adjacent properties are agricultural. Compared to 1939, the cemetery boundaries enclose the same area (probably.) The site is never visited. Current care: seasonal clearing vegetation by regular unpaid caretaker. No structures. Uncontrolled access and weather erosion are slight threats.
John DeMetrick and Christina Crowder, formerly of Cluj-Napoca, visited the site on 25 June 2002 and completed this survey on 30 June 2000 using a list of cemeteries known by Jewish Community in Baia Mare. They have no further information. Other documentation exists. They interviewed Mrs. Gheorghe Ardelean.
US Commission No. ROCE-0374