International Jewish Cemetery Project
International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies


Coat of arms of Yambol Alternate names: Yambol and Ямбол [Bulg], Yanbolu [Turk], Yampolis, Jamboli, Jambol, Iambol. . 42°29' N, 26°30' E, SE Bulgaria (Thrace), 50 miles W of Burgas.The city in SE Bulgaria, an administrative center of Yambol Provincw lies on both banks of the Tundzha river in the historical region of Thrace.

Wikipedia [Sep 2014]

Jews have been in Yambol since the 18th century. In 2005, approximately 70 Jews remained in the local community.

Memoir of Yampol. [Sep 2014]


  • 1 Graf ignatiev: An earlier Jewish cemetery was destroyed. The new Jewish cemetery established in 1980 as part  of the municipal cemetery is still in use. Some of the granite and marble gravestones with Hebrew and Bulgarian inscriptions have portraits on them. The 0.05 hectare cemetery has with a gate that locks. Vegetation overgrowth and water drainage are constant problems. The Jewish community occasionally clears the vegetation. [Sep 2014]
  • photos. [Sep 2014]