International Jewish Cemetery Project
International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies

For information on the Jewish community and congregations of Jersey, see Jersey on JCR-UK


  • Almorah Cemetery Jewish Section, situated at La Pouquelaye, St Helier, Jersey JE3

The non-sectarian Almorah Cemetery, overlooking Vallée des Vaux, was opened in 1854. The small railed-off Jewish section, in the south-west corner of the cemetery, had been founded by a dissenting faction during a quarrel in the community and first burial was that of Lewis Leopald (aged 61), on 3 July 1877. He had been largely instrumental in the acquisition of the cemetery. Source: David Shulman, Webmaster JCR-UK [January 2016]

There are approximately 20 graves in the Jewish section of the cemetery, and a handful of other Jewish graves in the cemetery. Gates are kept open for visitors. The reason for Jewish burials in this cemetery is that in 1877 Lewis Leopold, President of the Jewish community was prevented from being buried in Westmount by Simeon Jewell, who had fallen out with him. Other burials followed. Source: Sue Levy [August 2017]

The cemetery was not desecrated by the Germans during their occupation during World War II, although the Jewish headstones were reputedly laid flat to avoid detection by the German occupiers, although this story is unsubstantiated. It has also been claimed that some of the stones were removed by non-Jewish descendents of Jews interred in the cemetery in order to hide their identity from the Germans.  Source: David Shulman, Webmaster JCR-UK [February 2016]

The latest of the nine extant stones is dated 1916, plus an extra gravestone dated 1920 just outside the Jewish plot......the tombstones are not in situ and there are more burials than grave markers, one gravestone has a Gothic motif that could almost be mistaken for a cross. Source: Jewish Heritage in England by Sharman Kadish [2006]

The cemetery was rescued from neglect in the 1980's. It is now looked after by the Jersey Jewish Burial Trust in conjunction with the Cemeteries Department of the Board of Deputies

The JewishGen All-UK Database includes 11 records in respect of this cemetery Source: David Shulman, Webmaster JCR-UK [February 2016].

See also Cemetery Scribes - Almorah Jewish Cemetery, which includes images of a number of headstones. [January 2017]

Access during general cemetery hours: The Jewish plot is to the left of the main path leading to the chapel from the main gates of the Almorah Cemetery on Richmond Road.