International Jewish Cemetery Project
International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies


48° 25' 22" N 07° 39' 42" E. Located in the Sélestat-Erstein, the 1999 population was 9,664. photos and text in French only about the Jewish community. The presence of a Jewish community in Erstein is comparatively recent because Erstein is one of the cities in which Jews had no right to live. Certainly, they had access, having paid off to do business on the condition of leaving by 10 pm. The ringing of the bells of the church is perpetuated to this day. In 1850, under the protection of the state, Jews could live and work in Erstein. The Jewish community was principally founded by Jews from of Osthouse and Uttenheim. On August 9, 1864 Napoleon III decreed the unification of the community of Erstein that consisted of 52 members in the district of Fégersheim. The synagogue built by the community was dedicated on November 22, 1882. From 1891 until 1940, a member of the Jewish community was regularly elected to assemblies in the town council. From 1920 until 1932 the Jewish community decreased from 160 to 116. In April 1941, the synagogue was demolished by the Nazis and its content is sold at auction on October 19, 1940. They erased the names of Jewish soldiers who died in German uniform during the First World War on the military monument. Of 100 Jews in 1939, no more than 60 returned after 1945; some were victims of Nazi barbarism. Rabbi Edmund Weil from Fégersheim counted no more than a dozen souls in Erstein following 1945. Rabbi Raymond Furth performed rabbinical functions from 1961 until 1984, his death. The rabbinical district stretched from Fégersheim to Benfeld and consisted of Jews isolated in Westhouse, Uttenheim, Gerstheim -- villages. [January 2008]

  • Cemetery 1: In 1904 after long talks with the municipality, the first and still active cemetery was established at the exit on the left toward Osthouse halfway before the roundabout.and also used by Osthouse. [January 2008] photos. [October 2013]
  • Cemetery 2: [January 2008] ? Dpes another exist?