International Jewish Cemetery Project
International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies



50.72449° N 1.61194° E. (Bonen in Dutch)

A city in northern France, it is located by the English Channel. Population of the city (commune) at the 1999 census was 44,859 inhabitants, whereas the whole metropolitan area had 135,116 inhabitants. The name Boulogne was recorded for the first time during the Roman Empire as Bononia, a derivative of the Celtic word bona (meaning "foundation", "settlement", or "citadel"). This derivation is also found in the name of the Italian city of Bologna. Originally named Gesoriacum, by the 4th century Boulogne was known to the Romans as Bononia and served as the major port connecting the rest of the empire to Britain. The emperor Claudius used this town as his base for the Roman invasion of Britain in AD 43. In the Middle Ages the area was fought over by the French and the English. In 1550, The Peace of Boulogne ended the war of England with Scotland and France. France bought back Boulogne for 400,000 crowns. During the Napoleonic Wars, Napoleon amassed La Grande Armée in Boulogne to invade the United Kingdom in 1805. However, his plans were halted by other European matters and the supremacy of the Royal Navy. Boulogne-sur-Mer is also one of the most important fishing ports in France. A.C.I. - Synagogue, Centre Communautaire at 63, rue Charles Butor - 62200 BOULOGNE SUR MER. Mme CHOCHOY, Tél 03-21-30-26-77. The SEE family lived there. has general town information and photos. [January 2008]


Cimetière de l'Est Boulogne sur Mer: