International Jewish Cemetery Project
International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies


Also see Bron and Caluire et Cuire
46°12′20″N, 05°13′44″E. A municipality in eastern France, capital of the department and former capital of the former province of Bresse (Brêsse), Bourg-en-Bresse located 36 km NNE of Lyon. The city's population in 1999 was 40,666. The population of the city and suburbs was 57,198 inhabitants and the urban area was 101,016. People from Bourg-en-Bresse are called Burgiennes or Burgiens. Bourg-en-Bresse is located at the western base of the Jura Mountains on the left bank of the Reyssouze, a tributary of the Saône. Roman remains have been discovered at Bourg, but little is known of its early history. Raised to the rank of a free town in 1250, at the beginning of the 15th century the town was chosen by the dukes of Savoy as the chief city of the province of Bresse. In 1535 it passed to France, but was restored to Duke Philibert Emmanuel, who later built a strong citadel that withstood a six months siege by the soldiers of Henry IV. The town was finally ceded to France in 1601. In 1814 the inhabitants, in spite of the defenceless condition of their town, offered resistance to the Austrians who pillaged it. Iron goods, mineral waters, tallow, soap and earthenware are manufactured. There are flour mills and breweries and a considerable trade in grain, cattle and poultry. Synagogue: A.C.I.A, Association Culturelle Israélite de l'Ain, 1718, avenue de Lyon - 01960 PERONNAS [January 2008]


Cimetière municipal de Bourg-en-Bresse. Jewish Section. Contact: M. Elie STUMPLER [January 2008]